My Experence With Teenage Mothers

I will be writting about my experence with teenage mothers and their children. How I have helped them but mostly how they have helped me.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Jennifer was the second teenager that came to me preganat and homless. She stood only 5'4" with beauitiful blue eyes and long brown hair. She was the type of young lady that you could tell had a really good heart.
After speeking to her and her boyfriend they told me that both of their parents had thrown them out of their homes. They both had no where to live and they were sleeping anywhere where they could find shelter. Taking them both in was easy, and they were willing to help around the house. They were really a joy to live with and I found a new happiness living with a young unwed couple.
When it came time for the baby to be born Jennifer and Sean were thinking about adoption, but in the long run they decited to parent the child. They were both having a hard time because they were a homless family. I went to each of their partents and I pleaded their case for them. Jennifer's parents agreed to let them live with them but only after the baby was born.
Jordan Michelle was born on October 27th, l997 a healthy baby girl. Today she is nine years old and they are living as a happy family on their own. I still see them all of the time and I can not believe how much love and joy this family has brought into my life.


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